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The proposed from CREATE PACK
--The notes of using corrugated plastics products:
1. 中空板为塑料材质,易燃,应远离火源使用;
corrugated plastics main components is plastic,flammable,please stay away from the fire source;
2. 不要超负荷使用中空板容器;
Do not overload use the hollow-vessel;
When used we should take and set lightly in order to avoid breach the product with sharp and powerful;
4. 不要使用已经破损的中空板制品,以免造成损失;
Do not use the damaged corrugated plastics products, so as to avoid the loss;
5. 在低温时避免磕碰撞击,塑料在低温时比较容易破碎
Avoided impinge against when at low temperature, because plastic was broken up relatively easy in the low-temperature;
6. 中空板制品表面平整光滑,请取放使用时保持手干燥,避免滑溜;
Because the corrugated plastics product's surface is rough, please keep hand-drying when using, in order to avoid sliminess;
Do not keep the corrugated plastics products under the conditions of direct sunlight;
8. 建议在专业设计人员的帮助下选择中空板产品,以免定制错误的产品设置;
It is proposed that you should choice corrugated plastics products with the professional stadd's help, so as to avoid customizing the wrong products settings;
Selected the criteria production of corrugated plastics products as far as possible, it is ensure that the use of stability and security;
Please do not discard the damaged part of the product easily, because the corrugated plastics products can be repaired under certain conditions.
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